Spill Responder – Spills onto hardstanding (internal/external), in drainage systems and held in bunds or interceptors

Companies accredited under this Category are capable of responding to spillages which have occurred on hard surfaced areas inside factory buildings, on open yards, on roadways and spillages which have entered drainage systems. Some of these companies may have the capability to uplift contained spills from within bunds and held in interceptors.

Response will typically involve emergency containment, product recovery and clean-up of the affected area.

Each company and each response location within that company will have varying capabilities. Capabilities at each response location are verified by our ISAS Assessor, looking at staff training, experience and equipment available. Core spill response capabilities must be delivered by in-house resource, where support services such as tankering and jetting are required the company will need to demonstrate it either has in-house capability or arrangements in place for the sourcing of these services.

Category 1 – Accredited Capabilities

Capability to deal with relatively small spillages up to approximately 1,000 litres
Capability to deal with relatively small spillages up to approximately 1,000 litres
Capability to deal with larger spill incidents >1,000 litres
Jetting units available for spill clean-up
Vacuum tankers available to uplift a contained spill