Marine Spills

Companies accredited under this Category are capable of responding to spillages in the marine environment. ISAS are approved by the The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to assess and accredit organisations to the UK National Standard for Marine Oil Spill Response Organisations. Accredited companies also need to demonstrate their capabilities through the execution of ISAS audited exercises.

Each company and each response location within that company will have varying capabilities. Capabilities at each response location are verified by our ISAS Assessor, looking at staff training, experience and equipment available.

Category 7 – Accredited Capabilities

Provides a 24/7 Spill Response Service
Offshore Waters
Offshore Oil & Gas Activities – including pipelines
Sheltered/Enclosed Waters – including Ports & Harbours
Coastal & Large Estuaries
Shoreline Clean-Up
Dispersant Application – Marine and/or Air Deployment
Dispersant Application – Offshore Oil & Gas Activities