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Responder Information

The Potteries, Pottery Street, Castleford, West Yorkshire, WF10 1NJ

Accredited Capabilites

Spill Responder: Hardstandings and Drainage

Provides a 24/7 Spill Response Service

Capability to deal with relatively small spillages up to approximately 1,000 litres

Inland Surface Water

Provides a 24/7 Spill Response Service

Capability to deal with spillages in small to medium-sized watercourses

Remediation of Spills affecting Groundwater

Capability to design and execute investigation of groundwater contamination resulting from a spill

Capability to remediate contaminated groundwater

Capability to drill boreholes and create wells for groundwater investigation, remediation and monitoring purposes

Capability to sample and monitor groundwater and validate remedial actions

Remediation of spills affecting soils or property

Capability to design and execute investigation of soils and property contamination resulting from a spill

Capability to remediate contaminated soils and property

Capability to drill boreholes and create wells for groundwater investigation, remediation and monitoring purposes

Capability to validate remedial actions (soil & air)

Hazmat Spill Responder

Provides a 24/7 Spill Response Service

Spill Consultancy/Management Services

Provides a 24/7 Spill Response Service

Capability to design and execute investigation of soils and property contamination resulting from a spill